List of Topics and Tags


Reference: (link)

Each question in the course has a topic from the list specified in the infoCourse.jsonfile. Topics should be thought of as chapters or sections in a textbook, and there should be about 10 to 30 topics in a typical course. The topic properties are as follows.

Property Description
name Brief name for the topic. Shorter is better. Should be in sentence case (leading captial letter).
color The color scheme for this topic (see below for choices).
description An explanation of what the topic includes, for human referance.

For example, topics could be listed like:

"topics": [
  {"name": "Vectors", "color": "blue3", "description": "Vector algebra in 3D."},
  {"name": "Center of mass", "color": "green3", "description": "Calculating the center of mass for irregular bodies and systems."}


Reference: (link)