CESM resources

Large Ensemble

List of first letters and corresponding components sets

Atmospheric configurations (compsets):

  • F: CAM standalone runs, using an active Atmosphere and Land with prescribed Sea-Surface Temperatures (SSTs) and sea-ice extent.

List of first letters and corresponding component sets (link)

Designation Components Details
A datm,dlnd,dice,docn,sglc All DATA components with stub glc (used primarily for testing)
B cam,clm,cice,pop2,sglc FULLY ACTIVE components with stub glc
C datm,dlnd,drof,dice,pop2,sglc POP active with data atm, data lnd, data rof, and data ice plus stub glc
D datm,slnd,srof,cice,docn,sglc CICE active with data atm and ocean plus stub land, rof and glc
E cam,clm,rtm,cice,docn,sglc CAM, CLM, RTM, and CICE active with data ocean (som mode) plus stub glc
F cam,clm,rtm,cice,docn,sglc CAM, CLM, RTM, and CICE(prescribed mode) active with data ocean (sstdata mode) plus stub glc
G datm,dlnd,drof,cice,pop2,sglc POP and CICE active with data atm and data lnd, data rof plus stub glc
H datm,slnd,srof,cice,pop2,sglc POP and CICE active with data atm and stub land, rof and glc
I datm,clm,rtm,sice,socn,sglc CLM and RTM active with data atm and stub ice, ocean, and glc
S satm,slnd,srof,sice,socn,sglc All STUB components (used for testing only)
X xatm,xlnd,srof,xice,xocn,sglc All DEAD components except for stub glc (used for testing only)



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