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We are looking for outstanding and highly motivated Ph.D. students (starting in Fall 2023 or earlier) to join our join Manchester Environmental Data Analytics Lab (MEDAL). Students will be co-supervised by Prof. David Topping - Fellow of the Alan Turing Data Science Institute and Professor of Digital Environment, Dr. Zhonghua Zheng - Lecturer (Assistant Professor) in Data Science & Environmental Analytics, and other Professors/Researchers, ensuring a strong alignment with the candidate's specific research interests.

In addition, we are actively seeking distinguished Postdoctoral Researchers to augment our dynamic team. We extend our full support to applicants pursuing esteemed fellowship opportunities such as the Newton International Fellowships and the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships.

Our research projects include but not limited to:

Prospective students with a background in Computer Science, Data Science, Applied Mathematics, Environmental Science and Engineering, Biosystems Engineering or other related fields are encouraged to apply. We prefer students with a M.S. (or MSc) degree.

Please fill out the form (before contacting us) if you are interested in working with us.

Note: The University of Manchester, in its present form, was created in 2004 by bringing together The Victoria University of Manchester (created 1824) and UMIST. Twenty-five Nobel Prize winners have either studied or conducted some of their work here: Rutherford began his work on splitting the atom here and the world's first modern computer also came into being at The Victoria University of Manchester. Professors Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov were awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 2010. As a global institution, situated at the heart of a lively, culturally diverse city, we welcome applicants of all nationalities.

中文版本 (Chinese)


英国曼彻斯特大学环境数据分析实验室(Manchester Environmental Data Analytics Lab, 简称MEDAL)郑中华课题组(Environmental Data Engineering and Science Group)现诚聘优秀全奖博士研究生Fellowship奖学金博士后。将由郑中华博士(博士生导师,英国教授职称体系的Lecturer = 北美的助理教授)和多位曼彻斯特大学讲座教授(英国教授职称体系的Professor = 北美的讲座教授)共同指导。 课题组与世界知名高校和国家实验室(例如美国麻省理工学院(MIT)、美国国家大气研究中心(NCAR)、哥伦比亚大学、伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳-香槟分校(UIUC)、英国国家大气科学中心(NCAS)等)以及非营利组织(例如杭州云栖工程院)均有长期合作。


课题组可支持申请以下以及其它符合条件的博士奖学金【不可同时申请多项奖学金,申请难度:CSC < DDS < PDS】:

如有条件自费攻读博士,可于每年1月、4月、7月、9月入学。学费等详情请见https://www.manchester.ac.uk/study/postgraduate-research/programmes/list/11063/phd-mphil-environmental-science/。 课题组可支持申请以下以及其它符合条件的博士后Fellowship奖学金(均支持申请英国Global Talent Visa,3年可拿永居): 课题组可支持申请访问、联合培养项目 我们课题组相关研究方向主要集中在“数据科学 + 大气环境 + 城市气候”,包含但不限于: 博士生、博士后、联合培养博士生申请流程: